- #1394 legacy driver windows 10 didnt work install#
- #1394 legacy driver windows 10 didnt work drivers#
- #1394 legacy driver windows 10 didnt work manual#
- #1394 legacy driver windows 10 didnt work windows 7#
#1394 legacy driver windows 10 didnt work windows 7#
The issue was the firewire (1394) driver that Windows 7 installed automatically when I connected my camcorder (Panasonic NV GS50B). "At the request of l33twannabe this is how I solved my video capture problem. I hope my documentation here is helpful to some of you and not a problem with the forum moderators
#1394 legacy driver windows 10 didnt work drivers#
I know I said I didnt want to redo the drivers on the 1394 but suince it was selectable in my system with no need to down load anything I figured I'd give it a shot. Trying this (legacy 1394 driver) next- stand by. Also I think I saw some kind of HV40 for dummies manula or something on amazon prior to purchase.
Yeah right! I'm not expecting too much from any of them but i will let you know. My next step will be to compile the information and presnet it to Canon, Dell and Roxio tech support and have them race to get me the answer the fastest. Anyone know about this and how I do it in W7? I looked in the device manager and cant find what the 1394 card is.
#1394 legacy driver windows 10 didnt work manual#
In the manual for the HV40 it says to verify that the external capture device is compatible with the MPEG2-TS Protocol. If one of you fine folks can save me the trouble I would really appreciate it. This makes me think the camera is at fault somehowI WILL figure it out and WILL post an answer here. I knew it wouldnt work with HD but the messages I was getting were very similar. When I firast got the camera I tried it on my old XP SP# with Pinnacle Studio 8 just for kicks. I have been editing SD video in Pinnacle studio 8 for a LONG time so I am not a greenhorn to all the little gotchas but this one is tough. Just in case I may have recoreded in SD on the first tapes I was trying I recorded a few more clips so I know they are in HDV format on the tape. I have been messing around with this all day! The other thing that seems telling is that after I make the switch back to HDV output, as soon as I plug in the firewire to the camera the playback standard and DV output selectors in the menu of the camera become grayed out.
In DV locked it says "Canon DV Device" In HDV out it says "Canon Vixia HV40" and when I select the device it starts, goes to "not responding" then says "failed to set up components for showing picture or sound" in the details. The interesting thing is that after I learned that you need to disconnect the firewire cable in order to change the output settings I also noticed that the camera gets recognized differently. Roxio Creator Premier 10.3 (was included) recognizes controls and captures video in DV locked/DV out but no video on HDV out. Windows 7, 8MB DDR3, I7 Processor, Bluray burner, etc. Been through all the threads I can find here and in other forunms. I have the same problem with my HV40 (HDV). KSCAPTUR.PNF, KSFILTER.PNF, TAPE.PNF, DIGITALMEDIADEVICE,PNF (?).Canon HV40+windows7+I7processor+Roxio premier Blu-ray ver 10.3 Files I edited included MSTAPE.PNF, MSDV.PNF, KS.PNF. Files are hard to read because precompiled Find function in Wordpad fails to find the string - search on the : (colon)
#1394 legacy driver windows 10 didnt work install#
Strange as it sounds, having tried the legacy driver solution and everything else proposed here and elsewhere, I fixed this issue on my machine by editing the relevant PNF files in the Windows\INF directory to point to C:\Windows instead of D:\Windows.ĭon't know why the path was wrong, but it was, and editing it allowed my Sony GV-D800 DV firewire editing deck to install and work no problem. PROBLEM SOLVED - WINDOWS 7 DOESN'T RECOGNIZE IEEE 1394 / FIREWIRE DV DEVICES